Just to get a bit legalistic on on the Iranian missile test, Iran never agreed to the conditions imposed on it by the 2010 UN Security Council Resolution 1929 that banned it from developing nuclear capable missiles, and it’s not like they tried to be sneaky about this — they announced it and provided video.
If one argues they are bound by the UN against their national will, I would say true, in theory, though in practice we can see how often the US and France and Britain and Russia have ignored and publicly denigrated the UN when UN resolutions are counter to their power interests, and what little regard the US has for violations of UN resolutions by US client Israel (which, being a fully realized nuclear power actually poses a present existential threat to Iran).
Me, I’m a realist — I think the Iranians would be fools to adhere more strictly to UN dictates than do the nations it is treating with. Yes, Iran blandly asserts the missile tested does not violate UNSCR 1929 because it is not designed to be nuclear capable, which is doubtless a lie, but no more bland and bald-faced than the lies the US and other major powers tell on a regular basis.